Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sometimes, life just isn't fair

This past week my grandma Sally passed away. It happened so suddenly no one had to time to really accept what was happening. Within a week of finding out she had lymphoma she passed away. I can only hope it was peaceful and the doctor's kept her comfortable.
It just really is not fair that this happened. Not fair that I have to now explain to my sweet 4 year old that we won't be able to see grammy anymore. Not fair that Hannah has to question "What if I got that kind of sick and doctor's couldn't fix me?" Just plain not fair that all the people that loved Sally so much won't be able to enjoy her company anymore.

The family is going to Montana this weekend to celebrate her life, me and my little family will be there in spirit and keep her memory alive. This weekend we will be spending our time together, enjoying eachother, and talking about all the things that make us happy when we think about Grammy.

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